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About links to this website
If you link your page to this website, please inform us your name, telephone number, website URL, and the start date in advance.
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About Personal Information Protection
Your name, e-mail address, and house address will be required when you access this website for our services.
Collecting personal information is for identification and reference purposes only.
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Visitors’ Information
This website collects the data of our visitors through IP addresses and cookies to find out the number of accesses this website has received. This is only for statistical reasons in order to improve our website content for better accessibility. Therefore, no information about any individual shall be collected unless for registration purposes during an inquiry.
*IP address: A numerical label assigned to each computer participating in a computer network like Internet.
*Cookie: A data file sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser and used while the user is browsing that website.
The information and services on this website are subject to change without notice.
Please note that we assume no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of this site.
Contact us
Outech Co., Ltd.
TEL +81-3-6880-1290
MAIL [email protected]